Sunday, January 15, 2006


Is this not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?? Who's going to buy one for me?? God. I need one... and of course it's German. The Germans are so smart. Right Roberto?? :)

Position this ingenious disc-shaped slicer on any apple and rotate to release perfect slices for snacking or cooking. Don't need a whole apple at once? Just leave the disc pressed against the fruit, and it will not dry out or turn brown.


  1. Now this is a very cool item!!! I want one!!! Did you find a link for it??
    Well, after a very busy day yesterday... I sat down and looked at all three of your published books that evening...
    I tried my first recipe from La Dolce Vegan! the garlic soup to "Cure what ail's ya" I hope it works! p.102 I don't wanna be sick anymore. blah
    Sure is tasty too!...yummm
    Thank-You for this lovely compilation!!!
    And the photographs are lovely!!!

  2. but the skin is the most nutritious part of the apple!
    ah well...
    form over function

  3. No no Josie.
    It's a slicer... not a peeler. :)

  4. Ooo I might be going to NYC in March and should be near MoMa. I might just stop and buy one of 'dem things.

  5. thank goodness! Now I can really admire this.

  6. dude, that is so awesome.
