Sunday, November 6, 2005

Atomic Books Rocks!

Woke up late. Had a late breakfast in the hotel cafe. Terrible service. Just terrible. They treated me like I was a freak... Gerry says it's cause I am a freak. I dunno. The oatmeal was good anyway.

Then I literally did NOTHING until about 4pm. I lay like a basket case on the bed and watched terrible tv. And Cat Woman. Wow. That movie stinks bad.

Hey Seth if you're reading this...I'm sorry. I had every intention of coming to visit with you today, but I am wiped out. I needed some down time... I hope that's cool. :) You'll just have to come visit us and I'll make it up to you with some home-made Vegan dinner. I promise. Maybe even a cake. :)

Then I hit Donnas again before my event at Atomic Books.

I had a veggie burger... which was ok. Needed a bit more flava. But it was good enough. Caught a cab to Atomic Books and hung out with some peeps.

What a nice bunch of Baltimores they were! :)

Thanks for everything Baltimore and Atomic Books. I'm outta here!


  1. Thanks for the great talk and signing - I think I'm going to start with the Pumpkin Cheesecake, in honor of the beautiful fall weather. I think this is exactly the kick-in-my-cooking-slump-pants that I needed!

    -Amy (with the dancing squirrel shirt)

  2. AMY!
    It was great to meet you!! Let me know how it goes.

  3. Hi Sarah!

    It was great to meet you (nice to know the voice behind the wise guidance in the books)! Hope the rest of your tour goes well and if you're ever out in the Maritimes check out . :)

    Later! Julia (in the pink hoodie!)

  4. i wanted to come to baltimore to meet you so much! i have your first two cookbooks, which i love! i used to live in b-more, but i'm about 70 miles away now... i just wasn't able to get into the city that day... :\

    glad to read that you had fun at atomic books!

