That's a lie. I did a ton... but with nothing to show for it.
Don't you hate it when you work on the computer for hours and hours and then walk away and realize you have nothing to show for all your ticky ticky tapping on the keyboard?
I'm almost all caught up on my fanmail. You guys have been flooding me with kind letters and it makes me smile. Thank you.
Saw Jarhead tonight. Gerry forced me to leave the house, despite the fact that I am exhausted. He wants me to get back on schedule and he said it's the only way. *laugh* My jet-lag is killing me. I was up at 6am this morning and now I am wiped.
I quite enjoyed the movie... but then again I could watch Jake Gyllenhaal read from a menu and I'd be happy.
I'd also like to say Happy Birthday to Ryan Gossling (my back-up husband). If someone could arrange for Jake and Ryan to read a menu for me... I would be forever grateful.
I occasionally work with Ryan's mom. I'll put in a good word for ya! :o)
ReplyDeleteWHAT?? You lie... really?
ReplyDeleteI heart Ryan soooo much.
I wonder if he'd like a cookbook.
yes i too have connections with the boy ryan.. well, err, kinda. i once ran into him on a hungover kinda morning at a pita pit in burlington. of all places. he was looking a little worse for the wear and proceeded to tell me he had been in a bar fight (the gall!) the nite before and was fighting with a boy who was using a cigarette has his defence mechanism.. i mean for heavens sakes, who fights with a cigarette.. anyway, umm ya thats about it but its something to put in your bag of ryan-related-knowledge!
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous... :)
loved that line in the movie!