This photo makes it look like it's so bright and lovely...

But really it's so bright because the view is a WHITE WALL!! You have to look up up up to be able to see any sky.

I just about died laughing when I opened the window.
Yesterday I did an interview with ??? radio station and I think it will air this Friday, but I'm not sure. Ahhh I can't remember the name of the station. I'll post the web info here as soon as I figure it out. You'll be able to stream the interview online. Hopefully they edited all my ummmms and aaaahhhs out so I'll sound smart. :)

My book signing at Fountain Books was a lot of fun. There was food and friendly people and I had a little chit-chat with everyone. I had a blazing headache, so I hope I made sense when I was talking. I was very out of it and I didn't take a lot of photos... dang.

Went home and crashed HARD. I'm starting to fall apart. *laugh* My body knows the end is near!! :)
Here is the information for the radio interview.
Wordy Birds
Host: Liz Skrobiszewski-Humes
Fridays 12:00 to 12:30 pm
Richmond Indpendent Radio, FM 97.3
Glad you had a great trip Sarah and safe travels home.
All my digits are crossed that none of your flights are cancelled or delayed.
Janice and the crew at Arsenal