Tuesday, March 7, 2006

How It All Vegan...

So this is the original How It All Vegan that we printed out on my computer and bound ourselves in the living room. It was only about 50 pages and man... I was font crazy when I lay this out. *laugh* If you have one... save it... it will be worth at least double the cover price in a few years. (Note: we sold them for $3.)

Here's a few outtakes from the HIAV cover shoot. As you can see we look CRAZY in this photo but it gives you a good idea of all the food we had that ended up being cropped out of the photo. Man... look at that pecan pie!
This photo was just a fun shot that the photographer took with my fish-eye lens... I love it... we had a lot of fun at this shoot.
This is the studio apartment where we took the photo. The stove was vintage and I brought over ALL of my kitchy kitchen stuff for the set. We ended up only using a small portion of what I brought over (you can see that my happy-face cookie jar didn't make the cut). We also had a food-stylist on that shoot where I learned just how fake cookbook photography really is.

More tomorrow! :)


  1. do you still talk to tanya? how is she doing? do you think you might collaborate on another cookbook in the future?
    p.s. i have all 3 books and i love them:)

  2. These are so fun! Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love it, especially the original cover of HIAV. Those are really cute pictures, too.

  4. I have a happy-face cookie jar too! I felt so cool last summer when I came across the same one on the Drive selling for $75. At home it's keeping some of my spices.
    Great pics, by the way. I'm enjoying seeing what could have been...

  5. ps coincidentally, I'm listening to you on VeganFreak!
