Friday, February 17, 2006

17 hours

My dog stayed in bed under the covers for 17 hours. We went to bed at 11pm and he got up today around 4pm. *laugh* He must have a steel bladder.

That's 17 hours right? I don't do math... help me.


  1. Yep, 17. Steel bladder indeed.

  2. Is he sick? Pooooor Fergus - it's rough being a pooch.

  3. No. He's not sick at all... it's COLD here. :)

  4. Simon has slept unusually long when we've had a really, really active day. I mean REALLY active - he's a Jack Russell. But as a rule, he's in bed by 10pm and up at 7am. That's, what...9 hours? Fergus must hold some sort of doggie Guiness record for 17!

  5. I do the same on weekends. Esp. when I go to sleep Thurs(I have a 3 day weekend) . I will go to sleep around 4AM and not get up until 9PM. But I have got better, I now wake around 5PM. The cat usually sleeps with me.

  6. No matter how cold it gets here, my cat will be puttering about the apartment. Today (Monday), she was tear-assing around for a bit. And it was really cold yesterday, but not as bad today.
